Our role
  • Workplace Coffee
  • Pantry Supplies
  • Valet
  • Support
  • TopBrewer
  • Coffee Machines
Offices serviced




In the words of our client, what’s new for ESV?

  • At ESV we have designed a new fit-out for our Sydney CBD office, spread over two floors and completed in November 2019.
  • Level 12 is our staff floor with dedicated open plan working spaces with additional quiet rooms. The floor opens up to a special staff hub that is visible from a large glass atrium with generous indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Level 13 is our client floor with the main focus a ‘one-of-a-kind clients’ welcome space inspired by the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge, and meeting rooms.

What was ESV looking for? speech icon

  1. Inclusivity is a priority for ESV. The leadership team wanted employees and clients to feel welcome.
  2. Where coffee is concerned, the number one priority is taste! We know our staff and clients are fussy about their coffee and we needed to provide a coffee experience comparable to a barista.
  3. The coffee had to be so good that our clients could smell it as they arrived!
  4. We wanted the machines and beverage delivery to be seamless for everyone – easy to make and clean – without creating extra work for administrative staff.
  5. We wanted a relationship with our suppliers that we can always rely on – a quick response for issues and repairs.
What did you enjoy about working with Brewhub?

“I was so impressed by the level of professionalism I encountered in all my interactions with BrewHub.

It has given us enormous confidence in the quality of their service and their reliability – and that confidence has proved to be well-founded.”

Ashima Seth, CEO

Was BrewHub able to enhance your new offices?

  1. Yes! Our clients arrive at Level 13 and are greeted by the smell of freshly roasted coffee! The TopBrewer Pro, with responsive touch pad, controls is the perfect machine for the client. They can really appreciate the quality of the coffee and the ease with which they can make it.
  2. The TopBrewer Pro, with responsive touch pad controls, is the perfect machine for the client welcome space, offering a sleek, pristine and fuss free experience for clients who want to help themselves.
  3. BrewHub chose the perfect coffee machine for our staff hub area – it is a smart design, has an intuitive touch screen and was the right price.
  4. BrewHub’s passion for the delivery of a first-rate coffee experience is exactly what we were looking for. We're impressed by their professionalism, how quickly they respond to queries.

Our vision was to create a space where not only our brand could come alive but to also create a unique space to interact with our clients and provide a home away from home for our staff.

Ashima Seth, CEO, ESV

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