Vocus Communications
Our role
- Workplace Coffee
- Pantry Supplies
- Catering
- Valet
- Support
- Office Coffee Machine
Offices serviced
Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide
Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide
We’ve been providing Vocus Communications with the full BrewHub experience for more than 5 years. This includes; workplace coffee (office coffee) and pantry supplies including milk, fruit and snacks, backed by our valet and support team.
When we started working with Vocus, they were concerned about the scalability of capsule options and experienced inconsistent office coffee quality and a high level of machine breakdowns for a high cost. They provided in-house support to ensure the consumables were stocked, but found it hard to maintain continuity of service – given this role was not full time.
There’s actually nobody that does office coffee machines, milk, valet, fruit, everything. Nobody else does the full package and covers that in one simple invoice and one point of contact.
The responsiveness, Paul and the team are really responsive. They come back very quickly, which is great… Paul will just immediately action requests – which is the real value add, all parts of the BrewHub team are ready to action it.
The reason behind engaging BrewHub is to reduce hidden cost.
There’s a loss of productivity when staff are buying it themselves, so the investment of one dollar per person per day is money well spent.
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