Modern Slavery and Labour Policy
BrewHub Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 097 057 817) (“BrewHub”) is opposed to and does not tolerate any form of human trafficking, modern slavery, servitude, forced labour (including imprisonment, indenture, bonding, military, child and slave labour, forced marriage and deceptive recruiting for labour or services) in our operations (“Modern Slavery”).
BrewHub recognises that Modern Slavery is a growing and complex problem in society, which is best tackled by collective commitment and responsibility to overcome this issue. BrewHub is strongly committed to eradicating human rights abuses and instances of Modern Slavery and intends to work with all of its stakeholders to fulfil this common goal.
BrewHub will do all reasonable things (and will procure that is suppliers and permitted sub-contractors do all things) to ensure that it is compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2019 (Cth). If this policy is breached, BrewHub will act as quickly as practicable to remedy our adverse impact on workers, individuals or communities.
This policy establishes BrewHub’s position in relation to Modern Slavery (“Modern Slavery Policy”) and it also extends and applies to its clients who shall not engage in or support human trafficking or modern slavery, including forced, bonded or involuntary labour in any way.
The purpose of this Modern Slavery Policy is to ensure that BrewHub:
- is compliant with local, national and other applicable laws and regulations in the areas in which it operates;
- sources products and services in accordance with legal obligations and community expectations while working with suppliers to improve their social and environmental practices; and
- act to prevent, mitigate and (where appropriate) remedy modern slavery in its operations and supply chains.
BrewHub establishes the following key values under this Modern Slavery Policy:
- we conduct our business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people, complying with all legal requirements;
- we respect internationally-recognised human rights;
- we respect human rights and avoid complicity in human rights abuses, as stated in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;
- we treat everyone who works for BrewHub fairly and without unlawful discrimination. Our employees and contractors are entitled to work in an environment and under conditions that respect their rights and dignity; • we respect freedom of association and collective bargaining; and
- we respect the rights of people in communities impacted by our activities and we will seek to identify potential adverse human rights impacts and take appropriate steps to avoid, minimise and/or mitigate them.
- BrewHub will use its best endeavours to maintain an ongoing due diligence program with our supplier base and sub-contractors that includes reviews of Modern Slavery considerations and the maintenance of the standards established in this document. We also intend to audit new and existing suppliers to ensure that they comply with our human rights requirements. BrewHub will also aim to train and educate all of its officers and employees on the risks of Modern Slavery and will aim to establish policies and procedures in place in relation to Modern Slavery.
BrewHub and its personnel will use their best endeavours to comply with this Modern Slavery policy, which may be varied from time to time at BrewHub’s complete discretion, and all applicable laws including any laws relating to Modern Slavery. BrewHub and its suppliers and sub-contracts will, at all times, use their best endeavours to satisfy the follow minimum standards:
- they will not be involved in any forced or bonded labour and employment shall be freely chosen;
- they will not be involved in child labour; • they will comply at all times with all laws in relation to wages and benefits and will be transparent and accurate with their record-keeping;
- working hours of employees must comply with applicable local laws;
- all conditions of employment must be based on an individual’s ability to do the job and there will be no discrimination of employment in any form;
- there will be no harassment or abuse of employees;
- they will respect the rights of workers to lawfully associate or not to associate with groups of their choosing, as long as such groups are legal in the country of operation;
- they will provide a safe and hygienic working environment that is without risk to health;
- they will not participate in bribery of any form; and
- migrant workers shall have the same entitlements as local workers as stipulated by local law.
BrewHub will use its best endeavours to promptly notify its clients of any instances or suspected instances of Modern Slavery in its operations or supply chain, or in the operations or supply chain, or in the operations or supply chain of other people who BrewHub engages to provide products and services in connection with its services. BrewHub will also use their best endeavours to notify its clients of the actions that BrewHub has undertaken to address and remedy the matter.
BrewHub encourages its suppliers, sub-contractors, employees and clients to feel free to speak up when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that BrewHub is not acting ethically, or in accordance with laws or its obligations under this Modern Slavery Policy. All concerns can be reported directly to BrewHub’s Managing Director via our form below and these reports will be addressed with high priority by BrewHub.
BrewHub will use its best endeavours to formally respond to any concerns from suppliers, sub-contractors, employees and clients with the level of detail and in the timeframe reasonably expected in the specific circumstances.